Introducing SolarBright’s Latest AC Coupled Battery

I am always excited when SolarBright adds a new battery to the range and today I want to talk about our latest AC coupled battery, the sonnenBattery Evo 10kWh. This German designed and engineered battery is a smart and economical choice for us to help meet the growing energy needs of Australian households. As more Australians look…

5 Key Points to Consider When Buying Skylights

In the past eight years working at two different companies that sell and install skylights, I have learnt customers have 5 key points to consider when buying skylights: The function of the skylight The cost of the skylight and installation The skylight installation complexity and disruption The effect of the skylight on home thermal efficiency Keeping the…

Which MaxLight Skylight Should I Use

MaxLight skylights are known for their innovative designs, easy installation, and their range of options for all parts of the house. However, choosing the right MaxLight skylight for each room in your home is key to maximising the benefits of natural light. From enhancing energy efficiency to creating comfortable, well-lit spaces, MaxLight skylights can transform your home…

Beginners Guide to Solar Inverters

In this blog we look at the different types of solar inverters available: string inverters, hybrid inverters and micro-inverters. We will also look at solar optimisers. Although not an inverter, they are sometimes used in conjunction with a string inverter in certain situations. A solar inverter is crucial to every solar system. At its core it does…

Celebrating Our Recent Awards

SolarBright 2024 Awards We are excited to announce that SolarBright has been honoured with two prestigious awards, recognising our commitment to installation quality and exceptional customer service in the solar industry. These accolades reflect our relentless pursuit of excellence and the hard work of our dedicated team. Recognised as a Valued Partner by Sungrow We are proud…

NSW Solar Battery Rebate – All You Need to Know

The NSW solar battery rebate is fantastic news for homeowners and businesses. Here is what you need to know based on information the NSW government has released. No doubt some details here may change before the scheme starts on November 1, 2024. The scheme will reduce the cost of batteries for householders and businesses looking to save…