Solar Inverter

SolarBright partner with the leading inverter manufacturers supply and install high quality solar power inverters across Sydney and NSW. We partner with the leading brands including:solar power inverters

  • SolarEdge
  • SofarSolar
  • Sungrow
  • SMA
  • Fronius
  • Goodwe
  • SolaX.

The inverter is the “brain” of your solar system. They convert Direct Current (DC) electricity produced by your solar panels into 240 volt Alternating Current (AC) electricity used in your home.

Most inverters for residential solar systems are string inverters, and support 2 strings of solar panels. Inverters are weather proof to IP65 rating or higher and are typically mounted an external wall near your meter box.

Showing 6 of 42 results

Sungrow Inverters

SolarBright installs Sungrow inverters across Sydney and NSW as a standard inverter with our solar power systems. Sungrow inverters come with 5 + 7-year warranty.

SolarEdge Energy Hub Inverters

The SolarEdge Energy Hub Inverters with Prism Technology build upon the excellent capabilities of the SolarEdge HD-Wave Genesis Inverter.


Head quartered in Germany SMA have been setting the pace in solar technology trends Since 1981, helping accelerate the development and uptake of solar

Fronius Solar Inverters

The globally established Austrian company Fronius has been a byword for safety, quality, innovation and reliability for 70 years.

SolarEdge Smart Energy Solutions

SolarEdge offer more than just an inverter. A SolarEdge inverter is teamed with SolerEdge power optimisers on each panel and comprehensive monitoring down to the individual panel level.

SolarEdge Versus Enphase Comparison

SolarEdge Versus Enphase Comparison – which is most suited for Australia? We compare their characteristics to see which is the better choice.

Residential Solar Power Inverters

Solar Power Inverter Warranty

Most inverters came with a standard 5 year warranty for parts and labour. Often they come with an extra 5 years, normally shown as a 5+5 years warranty. Furthermore this extra warranty just covers parts or inverter replacement and customer then has to cover the labour costs.

Standard Residential Solar Power Inverter

For our standard residential solar system packages we offer the compact and smart looking Max Power Solar MPS 5000 5kW inverter. Firstly we offer this inverter as it is from Australian solar brand Max Power solar. Secondly it comes with an Australian backed 12-year parts and labour warranty. Thirdly, due to it’s dark colour it looks great.

When designing a commercial solar system we choose an inverter that best suits your needs. For commercial solar systems  we recommend selected inverters and will design the system with several inverters in the system. This design means that if there is an issue with an inverter it will only affect the panels attached to that inverter.

How Does A Solar Power Inverter Work?

Most solar systems in Australia are installed with string inverters. The inverter is an electrical device that is the “brain” of your solar system. Solar power inverters performs two important functions:

  • The solar panels produce Direct Current (DC) electricity. Your home uses 240 volt Alternating Current (AC) electricity. The first function of the inverter is to convert the DC electricity from the panels into AC electricity you can use in the home.
  • Furthermore the inverter directs the AC electricity where needed. The priority is to supply the demand in the home, then direct excess power to charge a solar battery (if you have one). If the battery is full, the inverter feeds excess power to the grid. If you don’t have a battery then excess power not consumed in the home is fed into the grid so you get your feed in tariff.