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In this blog we look the risks of cheap solar and how some solar installers can offer solar at cheap prices. We give advice on choosing a reputable solar panel supplier.
Updated Sep 2023
Most people will have seen the ads in their social feeds or on the internet for cheap 6.6kW solar systems priced for $3,200 or less. LIMITED OFFER or SALE ENDS SOON shout the banners, often featuring ex Aussie cricket captains.
Then you will see ads for other 6.6kW systems that are hundreds of dollars more. We often get asked by our customers “Why is some solar so cheap?” The answer is in the shortcuts taken with the quality of the components and installation.
Cheap: of little account; of small value; mean; shoddy.
Australians seem addicted to cheap solar. The truth with solar is you get what you pay for. In the long term cheap solar costs you more. Consider this:
Don’t put your home in danger with cheap solar.
Most people believe that the major cost of a 6.6kW solar system is in the solar panels and inverter – the hardware.
The biggest single cost is the installation – the man on the roof and the quality of the installation components and workmanship.
To get to the cheap price they use cheap components and unlicensed, unskilled labour including backpackers. Unskilled labour is cheap.
The installation by the unskilled workers is then signed off by a remote, licensed installer who does not conduct an on-site inspection of the quality of the job or to see if it even meets regulations. There were cases uncovered by the Clean Energy Council where a cheap solar company installer was signing off on up to 10 solar systems a day!
The cheap solar companies are in a race to the bottom on pricing, and Australian families and businesses are the biggest losers.
In the last few months of 2020 there was a jump in the number of fires caused by poorly installed solar. The NSW Department of Fair Trading spot checked 100 solar businesses and fined 20 of them for failing to meet industry standards.
Kevin Anderson, the Minister for Better Regulation at that time, said there were unscrupulous operators “Who are selling less than the best quality products, not installing it properly and causing fires.”
As these cheap systems begin to age, they become more of a risk as the issues with poor installation and poor quality components come to the fore. The danger is real.
Do you want a backpacker or a licensed installer to install your solar system?
One of the biggest risks of cheap solar is what corners are cut in the installation?
Every week we are taking down these cheap solar systems, some only three or four years old. The customers have been stuck with a worthless system that is not working and have no choice except to buy a new, quality solar power system.
They have bought cheap once and now have to pay again.
With these systems we remove, the poor quality of the workmanship we see is astounding. We see systems that:
Avoid the risks of cheap solar an do not become “solar orphan” left with a faulty system and worthless warranties. Do some research and choose your solar supplier wisely. Ask the following questions:
Choose a solar retailer has that has the history, resources and credentials to help you now and in the future.
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