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Solar Panels, General

7 Tips On Choosing The Best Solar For Sydney & NSW

Many of us when we explore if we should get solar for our home or business do not really know where to start with our research. Sydney and the NSW coastal areas and the NSW regional areas offer some of the toughest environments for solar systems, not only in Australia, but the world. We offer 7 tips…

Solar Panels, Solar Power Systems

7 Reasons Why Now Is The Right Time To Install Solar

During these times with more people at home power bills will increase. Solar pays for itself and saves you money from day one and keeps doing it for years. Now more than ever, solar makes great financial sense. When you consider these seven top reasons for getting solar power installation now, you realise why many families regard solar as…

Solar Panels

Solar Panel Costs And Solar System Prices

Over the last 15 years solar has been one of the fastest growing industries in Australia. During this time the solar panel cost and the price of standard solar systems has fallen dramatically. This is mostly due to improvements in technology. In 2010, with the help of generous government rebates, a 5kW solar panel system cost around…

Solar Panels, Solar Power Systems

Solar Panel Prices – Why Install A Solar Power System?

Is it worthwhile installing solar? With the reduction in government rebates and incentives for solar some consumers remain sceptical whether it is worthwhile to install a solar power system. This blog looks at the changes in the incentives and solar power costs since 2008 and current solar panel prices to answer this question. The solar industry in…

Solar Panels

How To Choose The Best Solar Panels

Investing in a Solar Power System a long term decision, so, of course, it’s a decision you want to be certain to choose the right Solar Panels for you, in order to achieve maximum payback as soon as possible. Selecting the best solar panels for your system, is of paramount importance, because the solar energy generated by the Panels, over the life…

Solar Power Tips, Solar Panels

How Will Rain, Wind And Other Weather Conditions Affect My Solar Panels?

Australia is blessed with a fairly temperate climate all year round. That’s what makes it such a great place to take advantage of residential solar panel installations. However, there are still conditions such as wind, rain and extreme heat that can have an impact on solar panel performance. Here’s what you need to know. What Are The Best Conditions…