Solar Batteries and The Future Of Sustainable Energy?

Australians are blessed with good weather throughout much of the year, with warm summers and generally mild winters being the norm. It’s hardly surprising to see Aussies rapidly embrace renewable energy options, particularly solar power. A report from the Australian Photovoltaic Institute shows there were over 3.52 million solar PV installations in Australia as of June 2023. While this is a terrific step forward, the push for renewable energy has just begun.

Solar batteries in Sydney cost significantly less than they did five years ago. When the price of a product decreases, there is usually an increased uptake. Most climate change advocates hope this will lead to an even faster adoption of solar battery installations in Australia. Of course, solar energy and solar battery storage are only some of the renewable energy choices we have in Australia. There are other renewable energy sources out there, and with continued effort, we can use them to break away from our fossil fuel reliance. Let’s take a look at the future of sustainable energy in Australia.

Different Types of Sustainable Energy

While solar energy gets most of the press, it’s far from the only renewable energy source we have. One that’s been around for ages is wind energy. Wind energy has been around in Australia for a while now, and wind farms are found on varying scales throughout the country.

We also have hydroelectric power, which takes advantage of our considerable water supplies. Large-scale systems like the Snowy Mountains hydro are still important for our overall energy production, and for many years, Tasmania relied heavily on hydro energy.

Aside from those more well-known sources, new renewable energy sources like tidal and geothermal are being discovered. These aren’t fully established energy sources yet, but with more research, they have great potential.

Improved Solar Technology

Despite many options for renewable energy in Australia, the main focus currently is solar power. It’s the most easily accessible for homeowners, so it’s a big player in the renewable energy space.

Solar panel efficiency is improving every year. New technology and other advancements mean solar panels are always improving, making them more attractive to the public.

Perhaps the biggest change in recent times is the price of solar batteries. Since 2010, the costs of a solar battery have plummeted, and prices continue to get lower as each year passes. Improved technology, increased market competition, and the corresponding rise in electricity costs now make solar battery storage a much more attractive proposition for Australian homeowners.

The Role of Governments

Government policies play a massive role in shaping our country’s sustainable energy future. State and Federal governments have shown varying degrees of support for renewable energy schemes, but a push towards a sustainable future goes far beyond this. Government policy and infrastructure development also need to align with a greener future. Unfortunately, our government is still authorising the construction of more fossil fuel plants. So, there is still work to be done in this area. A government committed to renewable energy must set a proper regulatory framework for transition.

While most people understand that you can’t just instantly build renewable energy infrastructure and switch off the coal plants, we’re reaching a point where strategic planning needs to come under the microscope. With more international and public pressure to take climate action, governments must step up and continue the push.

Solar Batteries and Consistent Power Supply

Cheaper, cleaner energy is a goal for many Australians. However, the future of sustainable energy hinges largely on achieving reliability. The current national energy grid, primarily fuelled by coal-burning plants, has been criticised heavily for its lack of reliability. Power outages can be frequent, irritating, and even dangerous, depending on where you live.

This is where energy storage becomes a major factor. If you have a solar battery in your home, you can store excess energy generated during the day. When your solar system stops generating in the evening or on overcast days, you still have a supply of power. This means less reliance on the main grid and, subsequently, lower energy bills.

Smart grid technologies are now coming into play, making it easier to create a reliable energy network for all Australians. There is a big hope that this technology will lead to fewer outages and a more stable energy supply.

Looking for the Best Solar System Installation in Town?

If you’re ready to make the switch to solar energy, now is the perfect time. If you want to be part of the clean, green revolution and save money on power bills in the process, SolarBright can provide you with all things solar. We offer high-quality solar systems suited to your individual needs, including solar panels, solar inverters, solar battery, and even skylights. If you’re keen to save money on energy bills, we’re ready to help. Contact us today to learn how we can help you make the switch to solar.

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Solar Batteries and Other Ways to Make the Most of Your Solar Panels

With energy costs constantly on the rise, Australians are seeking ways to save money. If you’ve installed solar panels in Sydney, there are numerous ways to maximise their benefits. Aside from standard factors like correct installation, purchasing high-quality products and optimising your solar panels’ positioning, there are many ways to get more for your money, such as installing a solar battery. As your leading solar retailer in NSW, we’re giving you some tips on how to get more from your solar panels all day, all week and all year. Read on to find out more.

Take Advantage of Feed-in Tariffs

With a standard on-grid solar panel installation, you use solar power during the day while the sun is shining and electricity from the main grid in the evening. You might think this means there’s a lot of wasted solar energy during the day, especially if you’re not home much to use it.

However, most electricity retailers offer a feed-in tariff that gives you credit for the excess solar energy you export to the grid. So, if your system produces more energy than you use during the day, the excess solar goes back to the main grid, and you get paid for it.

Feed-in tariffs are traditionally quite small, but every energy-saving effort adds up. If your feed-in tariff doesn’t deliver much in the way of savings, don’t be afraid to shop around. Many electricity retailers offer introductory tariff rates or better long-term deals than you currently have.

Consider Solar Battery Solutions

While an upfront cost is involved, buying a solar battery is arguably the ultimate way to get more from your solar. A solar battery stores excess energy generated while the sun is shining, giving you a supply of clean, free energy to use in the evenings or when your solar panels don’t produce enough energy (such as in cloudy conditions).

If you’ve gotten used to your feed-in tariff credits by exporting solar power, don’t worry because you can still use this, depending on the size of your system. Once your solar battery is full, excess energy still goes to the main grid for a credit on your account, but in order to fully optimise your system, you may need to consider one with a larger capacity.

Solar batteries save you money in the long term and provide protection in the event of a power outage. While everybody connected to the main grid searches their house for candles, your lights remain on thanks to your batter-stored solar energy.

Use Solar Monitoring Apps

The majority of modern solar systems come with energy monitoring apps and software. Compatible with most smartphones and devices, you can monitor your energy usage and solar panel performance from anywhere. This lets you keep an eye on how much your system generates during the day and also how much energy you use at certain times.

These apps also offer historical reporting, not just real-time monitoring. So, you’ll be able to check the times of day your system produces the most power, allowing you to choose when you use appliances. Ultimately, the data gained from these solar monitoring apps can be used to save you even more money on power.

Getting Clever With Appliances

One of the best ways to maximise solar energy is to be smart about how you use appliances. Household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers use a lot of energy, not to mention hot water, which requires energy to heat up. The issue is that without battery storage, if you don’t use solar power system as it’s produced, you effectively lose it (aside from your feed-in tariff credits).

If you’re at work all day, it’s common to use a lot of these appliances in the evening when your solar panels aren’t producing. That means you’re accessing main grid electricity and paying for it through your retailer. So, the best way to maximise your solar panels in Sydney is to set energy-sucking appliances to run during the day. Use timers if necessary, and stagger appliance use, otherwise, you may still be drawing more power than your system can produce.

Need Expert Solar Panel Installation in Sydney?

If you’d like to harness the power of the sun’s rays and save money on energy bills, SolarBright is the team to call. With expert advice, high-quality solar panels, solar batteries and solar inverters, and a reputation for installation excellence, we can help you join the clean, green revolution and save money in the process. Contact us today to find out more.

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Solar Power for Every Home: Unlocking the Potential of Solar Panels and Solar Batteries

Solar power has completely changed the way we generate electricity, offering homeowners a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional energy sources. With the advancement of solar panel technology, the decreasing price of solar battery storage and the abundance of sunlight in Australia, there has never been a better time to consider a solar panel installation for your home. In this article, we’ll look at the benefits of solar panels and batteries, and why they’re such a great option for Aussie homeowners.

What are Solar Panels?

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are devices composed of multiple interconnected solar cells that convert sunlight into usable electricity. Made up of solar cells, these panels capture the sun’s energy and produce direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts this DC power into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the type of power you use to power most of your home.

Let’s take a look at the various reasons you should consider solar energy for your household.

Australia is Blessed With Sunlight

Whether you install solar panels in Sydney or anywhere else in Australia, you’ll benefit from an abundance of sunlight. For example, Current Results reports that Coffs Harbour in NSW receives 131 sunny days yearly. This figure represents days characterised by predominantly clear and sunny skies, indicating favourable conditions for solar energy production. However, it’s important to note that this estimation underestimates the potential of solar energy generation. Only when cloud cover is persistent for the entire day will your solar panels produce less energy.

A 6-kilowatt solar panel system in Australia can generate an average of 24 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day, depending on the location. As a result, solar panels have the capability to generate a substantial amount of electricity, even on cloudy days. With Australia’s sunny climate, homeowners can rely on solar power throughout the year, reducing their dependence on the grid.

Save Money on Power Bills

While paying for power through an electricity retailer leaves you at the mercy of the fossil-fuel generated market, solar power is completely free. If you install solar panels in Sydney, you can power your home for free during daylight hours for the majority of the year. With a solar battery, you can even collect excess solar energy and use it in the evenings, which reduces your costs even further.

In addition, the Australian government offers financial incentives through the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), which provides small-scale technology certificates (STCs) to households that install solar panels. These certificates are typically assigned by the customer to the installer and are sold or traded to offset the installation costs, effectively working as a rebate for your solar panel installation.

The Environmental Factor

Solar power stands out as a clean and renewable energy source that significantly reduces carbon emissions. By choosing solar panels, homeowners can actively contribute to combating climate change and fostering a more sustainable future. According to Energy Matters, an average residential solar panel system in Australia can offset approximately 1.3 – 1.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Additionally, traditional energy production, such as coal-fired power plants, consumes vast amounts of water for cooling purposes. By shifting to solar power, homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Add a Solar Battery to Your Installation

Solar batteries allow you to store excess solar power that your system generates during the day. Usually, this excess energy is sold back to the main grid for credit on your electricity bill. However, with battery storage, excess energy is stored and used when you need it most. This saves money on electricity bills and also offers the perfect safeguard when the main grid fails.

The experience of a power outage can be incredibly frustrating, as many have personally encountered. Especially now, when we rely on electricity for so many things. If you power your home with solar panels and a battery, you will always have a reliable source of power to draw upon in the instance of a power outage.

Of course, this is just one benefit. The major benefit is the fact that you will only pay for electricity when your system isn’t producing power and your solar battery is empty. The result is an enormous decrease in your annual energy costs.

Looking for Solar Panels in Sydney?

At SolarBright, we can help determine the very best solar energy system for your home. With top-quality products and expert installation, you can’t go wrong. You can contact us at any time to determine the solar panel Sydney cost, and we’ll even tell you how much you can save on power bills.

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