The Benefits of Tubular Skylights: Brighten Your Home Naturally

Imagine stepping into a room bathed in natural light, the kind that not only brightens your surroundings but also uplifts your mood. This is the transformative power of tubular skylights. Unlike traditional lighting, these innovative systems harness the sun’s energy, delivering radiant, eco-friendly, and cost-effective illumination.

Understanding Tubular Skylights

These skylights are designed to capture and magnify sunlight through a dome on your roof, directing it down a highly reflective metal tube into your living spaces. This natural light is diffused through a ceiling fixture, creating a bright, even glow for the room. By utilising this technology, homeowners can significantly reduce their reliance on electric lighting during the day, leading to savings on energy bills.

Benefits of Tubular Skylights

  1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings One of the key benefits of these skylights is their ability to reduce energy consumption. Traditional lighting can be a significant contributor to household electricity use. By installing this type of skylight, you harness free and abundant solar energy, cutting down on electricity costs. Over time, the savings on energy bills can offset the initial installation cost.
  2. Enhanced Natural Lighting Natural light has numerous advantages over artificial lighting. It is known to improve mood, boost productivity, and create a more inviting home environment. These skylights provide a consistent and natural light source, reducing the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours. The benefits extend beyond mere illumination; they enhance the overall ambience and aesthetic appeal of your home.
  3. Environmentally Friendly Opting for this skylight solution is a green alternative to traditional lighting. By utilising solar energy, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. The use of renewable energy sources like solar power helps decrease the reliance on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.
  4. Increased Home Value Adding these skylights to your home can increase its market value. Homebuyers are increasingly looking for energy-efficient features that reduce living costs and environmental impact. They are an attractive selling point, showcasing your commitment to sustainability and modern living.
  5. Health Benefits Exposure to natural light is essential for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. It helps regulate sleep patterns, improves mood, and can even enhance concentration and productivity. Skylights like these ensure that your home is filled with natural light, promoting overall well-being and comfort.
  6. Aesthetic Appeal Beyond functional benefits, these skylights can dramatically enhance the visual appeal of your home. They introduce an element of modernity and elegance to any space, creating a unique architectural feature that also serves a practical purpose.

Tubular Skylights vs. Traditional Skylights

While traditional skylights also bring natural light into your home, tubular designs have distinct advantages. Conventional skylights can sometimes cause excessive heat gain or loss, affecting indoor temperatures and increasing the need for heating or cooling. In contrast, tubular options are designed to be more energy-efficient, reducing heat transfer and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing tubular skylights is a straightforward process that can be quickly completed by professional installers. They are designed to fit seamlessly into your roof structure without compromising its integrity. Once installed, these skylights require minimal maintenance. Occasional cleaning of the dome and interior fixtures will ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Real-Life Applications

Consider a family room that is often dim and reliant on artificial lighting. By installing these skylights, the room becomes a bright, inviting space filled with natural light, perfect for family gatherings and relaxation. Similarly, dark hallways, bathrooms, or even walk-in closets can be transformed into well-lit areas, enhancing the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your home.

In an office setting, these skylights can improve productivity and employee satisfaction by providing a pleasant working environment. Schools and educational institutions can also benefit from enhanced natural lighting, creating a better learning atmosphere for students.

Environmental Impact

The adoption of these skylights contributes to broader environmental goals. By reducing dependence on electricity generated from fossil fuels, they help decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This shift towards renewable energy sources is crucial in combating climate change and promoting sustainable living practices. For more information on how solar energy can benefit the environment, explore SolarBright’s solar power solutions.

Economic Benefits

The installation of these skylights can also lead to significant economic benefits for communities. By reducing the overall demand for electricity, they help decrease the strain on local power grids, potentially lowering energy costs for everyone. Moreover, the production and installation can create jobs and stimulate local economies.

Tips for Maximising Skylight Benefits

To get the most out of your skylights, consider the following tips:

  1. Strategic Placement: Place skylights in areas of your home that receive the most sunlight and where you need the most light during the day, such as kitchens, living rooms, and hallways.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Ensure the domes and interior fixtures of your skylights are clean to maintain optimal light transmission. Regular maintenance will keep them performing at their best.
  3. Professional Installation: Use certified installers to ensure your skylights are properly fitted and sealed. Proper installation can prevent leaks and maximise energy efficiency.
  4. Combine with Other Energy-Saving Measures: Enhance the benefits of your skylights by combining them with other energy-efficient practices, such as using LED bulbs and energy-efficient appliances.
  5. Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on the performance of your skylights. If you notice any reduction in light output, it may be time for maintenance or cleaning.


The benefits of tubular skylights are manifold, from energy savings and environmental impact to enhancing the beauty and comfort of your home. By choosing these skylights, you invest in a sustainable, cost-effective, and health-promoting lighting solution.

Ready to transform your home with the power of natural light? Explore the range of tubular skylights offered by SolarBright and experience the difference today. For more insights on solar energy solutions, check out our recent blog posts on solar battery and solar panel maintenance. Contact us at SolarBright to get started on your journey towards a brighter, more sustainable home. Visit our contact page to learn more.

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NSW Solar Battery Rebate – All You Need to Know
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NSW Solar Battery Rebate – All You Need to Know

The NSW solar battery rebate is fantastic news for homeowners and businesses. Here is what you need to know based on information the NSW government has released. No doubt some details here may change before the scheme starts on November 1, 2024.

The scheme will reduce the cost of batteries for householders and businesses looking to save on their electricity bills.

Introduction to the NSW Solar Battery Rebate

The battery rebate is a monetary incentive from the NSW government to lower the cost of batteries so more are installed.

Here are the key things to know:

PDRS = Peak Demand Reduction Scheme – this is the official name of the solar battery rebate in NSW. As you might guess it is all about installing more batteries to reduce peak demand on the power grid.

PRC = Peak Reduction Certificate. These are the battery rebate certificates that are issued for each battery installation.

VPP = Virtual Power Plant. A VPP is a program that solar battery owners can sign up to. It means that in times of peak electricity demand on the grid the VPP operator can take the power stored in your battery. They pay you for it and feed it into the grid to meet the grid demand. This is the second part of peak reduction.

How Much is the Solar Battery Rebate NSW Worth?

If you qualify, the battery rebates will be worth:

Savings of $1,600 to $2,400 on the cost of a battery.  The rebate depends on the size of the battery and the geographic location. The solar needs to be in place when the battery is installed. A 10kWh battery will have a rebate of $2,000.

Rebates of $250 to $400 if you connect to a VPP. To get these your battery must have 6 years warranty left when you sign up (most come with 10-year warranty). Over the life of the battery, you can claim these only twice and there must be a 3-year gap between applying.

One important point to consider is VPP’s are a great concept. However, it may affect the warranty if the battery is cycled (drained and charged) multiple times a day as it can shorten the battery life.

large home with solar panels installed You Need to Act Now if You Don’t have Solar Installed

How To Qualify for the Solar Battery Rebate

To qualify for the NSW government rebate, we understand that:

  • If you already have solar panels, you’re eligible for the battery installation rebate.
  • If you don’t have solar panels yet, the battery incentive can be included in the quote for a new system that has solar panels and a battery. The solar must be connected to the grid first before the battery is installed. DO NOT wait to November to order your solar and battery.
  • It must be a new battery on the scheme’s approved battery list – existing batteries don’t qualify.
  • If the property already has an existing battery, a new battery installed at the same address will not qualify.
  • Use a program approved CEC certified solar installer.
  • If you want the VPP rebate the battery must meet the 6-year battery warranty requirement.

Can I Secure the NSW Solar Battery Rebate Now?

Yes you can. If you wait to November 1st you will be caught in the log jam of customers. You can act now to avoid delays.

You can order your solar and battery system off SolarBright now at the rebated price.

CLICK HERE to find out how to secure the battery rebate now.


What Solar Batteries Qualify for the Rebate?

The batteries on the approved list will have to meet certain specifications including:

  • Storage size between 2 and 28kWh.
  • 10-year product warranty.
  • Operate in a temperature range of -10 to 50°C.
  • Usable capacity of at least 70% after 10 years.
  • Have a battery management system and internet connection for control and monitoring of the battery and allowing the battery to connect to a VPP.

It seems likely that all current CEC approved batteries will be eligible for rebates (to be confirmed).

Sungrow battery installed

How to Get the Rebate

The process of getting the rebate PRC’s is handled by the solar installation company.

  • The battery quote will include details of the number of PRC’s applicable and PRC value.
  • This amount is taken off the price of the battery for the customer and forms the rebate.
  • The solar installer will apply for the PRCs, provide proof of installation, and receive the PRC’s, just like with the STC’s for the solar.
  • PRC’s are subject to market fluctuations and are valued currently around $1.60 each (Aug 1 2024).

Prepare Now for the Home Battery Rebate in NSW

With the new incentives launching on November 1, 2024, it’s a smart idea to start planning now. Avoid the mad rush in November.

  • Research: Look into battery options from CEC accredited installers. Prepare questions to ask about the incentives and the installation process.
  • Get Solar Now: if you don’t have solar do not wait to November 1 to order your solar and battery. Order now or you will be jammed into a long queue of customers waiting for both solar and batteries. The solar can be installed now ready to take the battery after Nov 1 so you get the battery rebate.
  • Budget: Factor the rebate into your budget. While the upfront cost of battery storage can be substantial, the long-term savings on energy bills make it a worthwhile investment.
  • Act Early: Given the potential increase in demand and the possibility of price adjustments, it may be beneficial to start the process early to secure the best deals and avoid delays.
  • Solar Rebates Fall in January: Keep in mind the solar system rebate (STC’s) decreases on 1 Jn 2025. This means that if your solar installation is still in the ques you will pay more for the solar system.


Why Consider the Solar Battery Storage?

Adding battery storage to your solar system offers several benefits:

Maximise Solar Energy Use: Batteries store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during the evening or cloudy days, helping you make the most of your solar investment.

Reduce Electricity Bills: By storing solar energy and using it when electricity prices are high, you lower your energy costs significantly.

Gain Energy Security: a solar battery reduces your reliance on the grid and helps you maintain power during outages.

Support a Sustainable Grid: Batteries contribute to a more reliable and stable energy grid, helping to manage peak demand and reduce overall emissions.


How SolarBright Can Help

The team at SolarBright is committed to helping you understand the new NSW battery rebates and make the most of your solar investment. Book a meeting with one of our solar experts, they will design the right solar and battery system for your needs. Our team will assist you with:

Understanding Incentives: We’ll explain how the new battery incentives work and how you can benefit from them.

Choosing the Right System: We’ll help you select the best battery and solar system for your needs and budget.

Accredited Installation: Our CEC accredited installers ensure a seamless and efficient installation process, applying the incentives directly to your costs.

Ongoing Support: From initial meeting to post-install support, we’re here to answer your questions and ensure you’re satisfied with your solar and battery system.


Get Started Today

The new battery rebate scheme is an exciting opportunity to help secure your energy future and reduce your electricity bills. Don’t miss out on the chance to take advantage of these savings. Contact SolarBright today to see how you can benefit and start your journey towards energy independence and sustainability.


Battery Storage – 5 Reasons To Think About It

Battery storage is a bog topis right now as almost one-third of Australian households have solar panels – the highest rate in the world. With retail electricity prices steadily rising, and solar panels generating power during the day when homeowners are typically away, there’s a growing interest in battery storage. This technology allows homeowners to store excess solar power generated throughout the day for use at night, especially during peak electricity pricing periods.

Here are the Top 4 reasons you should be thinking about battery storage now:

1. Battery Storage Minimises Your Electricity Costs

Battery storage can significantly reduce your electricity bills. A solar battery enables you to store surplus electricity generated by your solar panels, which you can then use later in the day instead of purchasing from the grid. Importing electricity from the grid can cost approximately 7 times more than the credit received for surplus solar exported. Especially considering recent regulatory changes. Ausgrid, a major electricity distributor in NSW, has announced updates to their charges that will penalise exporting solar energy during peak production hours from 10 am to 3 pm. During these hours, when solar panels are at their most productive, exporting electricity to the grid may no longer be as financially beneficial. This makes battery storage even more attractive as it allows homeowners to store excess energy generated during these peak times and use it later when grid electricity prices are higher.

2. Increase Your Energy Independence

A battery storage system ensures more of the solar electricity you generate remains within your home. This reduces reliance on purchasing electricity from the grid during peak times, such as 4 pm to 10 pm, which is particularly advantageous if you’re on a time-of-use tariff.

Battery storage apps like Tesla allows you to monitor your home’s energy independence in real time.

Battery storage apps

3. Battery Storage Means Energy Security During Black-Outs

Battery storage systems equipped with blackout protection can power your house through outages, ensuring uninterrupted daily life. During a blackout, your solar system stops operating, but a backup supply (battery) automatically kicks in to power essential loads like lights, refrigerators, and freezers. The Tesla Powerwall 2, for example, offers this capability, using stored energy to keep your home running smoothly.

Tesla Powerwall 2 provides the ability to use stored energy to power your home during an outage.

Tesla Powerwall 2

4. Take Advantage of NSW Battery Rebate

The NSW battery rebate comes into effect on 1 November. The rebate will be between $1,600 to $2,400 depending on the size of the battery and your address.

Now is the time to get started on a battery journey prior to November. If you leave it to November, you will end up jammed in a long queue. The solar panels must be installed and connected to the grid before the battery can be installed and the rebate claimed.

This means its best to install the solar panels prior to the start of the scheme so you are ready to install the battery come November and get your rebate.

5. Adding Value to Your Property

Investing in energy-efficient solutions like a solar power  system with battery storage can significantly boost your property’s value. As electricity prices rise, homebuyers increasingly value sustainable features that reduce ongoing costs. According to Domain’s 2022 Sustainability In Property report (source:,sustainable houses can command approximately $125,000 more in value, with sustainable units adding around $72,750.

Adding value to your property

At SolarBright, with over 16 years of experience in designing and installing solar energy systems and battery storage, we understand what works best for Australian homes and businesses. As industry leaders and certified installers of well-known brands such as Tesla, Sungrow and Sonnen, we offer expertise you can trust.

Contact us today at 1300 852 622 for a free battery storage assessment and discover how we can enhance your energy independence and property value.

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Understanding the True Cost of Solar Panels
The Ultimate Guide to Solar Batteries: What You Need to Know

Understanding the True Cost of Solar Panels

The appeal of solar panels is clear, offering lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint. But before exploring the world of solar energy, it’s crucial to understand the true cost of solar panels. This solar panels guide will provide insights into initial solar costs, long-term savings, and maintenance expenses, assisting you in making an informed decision about solar panels.

The Initial Cost of Solar Panels

When it comes to solar panels, the upfront cost is often the most significant factor that homeowners and businesses consider. This cost includes the purchase price of the solar panels, installation costs, and any additional equipment required to connect the system to the grid. Depending on the size of your system and the quality of the components, prices can vary widely. The average cost of a solar panel system in Australia can range from $5,000 to $10,000 or more.

Installation Costs

Installation costs can vary based on the system’s size, complexity, the location, and the contractor you select. On average, solar installation costs vary from $1,000 to $3,000.

Energy Storage Costs

Opting to install a battery storage system can substantially increase the overall cost. Popular solar batteries cost between $8,750 and $15,500. However, these batteries provide the significant benefit of energy storage, allowing you to use stored power at night or during non-sunny periods and further reducing reliance on the grid, which can lead to additional long-term savings.

Inverter Costs

The solar inverter will convert the DC power generated by the solar panels into AC power, which is used in your home. A solar inverter costs $1,500 to $3,000 on average for a medium-sized solar panel system installation.

Grid Connection Costs

If you are connecting to the grid, you will not need to pay a connection fee, as this is currently waived by the Australian government.

Government Incentives

One way to offset the initial investment is through government incentives. In Australia, various schemes, such as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), offer financial incentives to reduce the cost of solar panel installations. These incentives can cover a substantial portion of the initial investment, making the solar panels cost more affordable.

Long-Term Financial Benefits

Energy Savings

The most compelling reason to invest in solar panels is the potential for substantial long-term savings on energy bills. By generating your own electricity, you lessen your dependence on the grid, resulting in significant cost reductions. On average, Australian households can save between roughly $1,300 and $2,200 per year on electricity bills, depending on their location and energy consumption patterns.

Solar Feed-In Tariffs

Another financial benefit comes from solar feed-in tariffs. This is a payment you receive for any extra electricity your solar power system will generate and then export back to the grid. Feed-in tariffs vary by state and provider but can provide an additional income stream, further enhancing the financial attractiveness of solar panels.

However feed in tariffs agave fallen to as little as $0.03 per kWh.

Maintenance and Operating Costs

Regular Maintenance

While solar panels are relatively low maintenance, regular inspections and cleaning are necessary to ensure they operate efficiently. Maintaining solar panels usually costs between $250 and $350, depending on factors like system size, complexity, and the need for professional services. In metropolitan areas of Australia, cleaning residential solar panels generally costs about $15 to $20 per panel. Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of your system and ensure it continues to perform optimally.

Potential Repairs

Though solar panels are durable, they can still be subject to damage from extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen events. Repair costs can vary, but it’s essential to budget for potential expenses to avoid any surprises.

It is also smart to add the solar system to your home insurance to cover damage from extreme weather.

Also the working life of the inverter will be around 12-years. And will need to be replaced eventually, however most inverters will be covered by a 10-year warranty.

Understanding the Payback Period

Calculating the Payback Period

One of the most crucial aspects of understanding the true cost of solar panels is calculating the payback period, which is the time needed for the savings on reduced energy bills to equal the initial investment. In Australia, the average payback period for residential solar panels is between 5 to 8 years, depending on factors such as system size, personal consumption, and local electricity rates.

Maximising Your Return on Investment

To maximise your return on investment, it’s essential to choose a high-quality solar system, take advantage of government incentives, and ensure your panels are correctly installed and maintained. By doing so, you can enjoy substantial savings over the lifespan of your system, which typically ranges from 25 to 30 years.

Making the Decision

Is Solar Right for You?

Ultimately, the decision to invest in solar panels depends on your individual circumstances. Factors such as your location, energy consumption, budget, and environmental priorities all play a role. However, with the right planning and research, this solar panels guide demonstrates that solar panels can offer substantial financial and environmental benefits.

Contact SolarBright Today

Ready to take the next step? Contact the friendly team at SolarBright to learn more about the total cost of solar panels and also how they can help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

By understanding the true cost of solar panels, you can make an informed decision that will benefit both your wallet and the planet.
For more insights on solar energy, explore our solar power products and other informative blogs.

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The Ultimate Guide to Solar Batteries: What You Need to Know
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The Ultimate Guide to Solar Batteries: What You Need to Know

In a world increasingly turning to sustainable energy, solar batteries are emerging as a pivotal component in the shift towards green living. Imagine a life where your home is powered independently, even during the night or a blackout, thanks to stored solar energy. This article will be your ultimate solar batteries guide, taking you through everything you need to know and helping you make an informed decision for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Understanding Solar Batteries

Solar batteries store the excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day for use when the sun isn’t shining. This capability not only maximises your solar power system’s efficiency but also ensures that you have a reliable power source even during grid outages.

Benefits of Solar Batteries

  1. Energy Independence and Security: One of the main advantages of solar batteries is the security they provide. During blackouts, your solar battery system can power your home, ensuring that essential devices and appliances keep running. This reliability is particularly beneficial in areas prone to frequent power outages.
  2. Cost Savings: By storing and utilising solar energy, you can significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity, leading to lower energy bills. With the right solar battery, you can store enough energy to power your home through the night, reducing your grid consumption during peak hours when electricity is most expensive.
  3. Environmental Impact: Using solar batteries reduces your carbon footprint. By relying more on solar energy and less on fossil fuels, you contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promoting a cleaner and greener environment.

Choosing the Right Solar Battery

When selecting a solar battery, several factors must be considered to ensure you get the best system for your needs. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind:

  1. Capacity and Power: The capacity of a solar battery, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), indicates how much energy it can store. It’s crucial to assess your household’s energy consumption to determine the appropriate capacity. For instance, a 10kWh battery might be suitable for a typical household, but it’s important to note that actual usable capacity may be around 90% of the total.
  2. Battery Lifespan and Warranty: Solar batteries have varying lifespans and warranties. It’s essential to choose a battery with a good warranty to ensure longevity and reliability. Many high-quality batteries come with warranties that guarantee performance for up to 10 years or more.
  3. Compatibility: Ensure that the solar battery you choose is compatible with your existing solar power system. Some batteries require specific inverters or additional components for seamless integration. Consulting with a professional installer like SolarBright can help you navigate these technical requirements.
  4. Solar Production: Make sure that your solar system is capable of producing enough electricity to power the home during the day and also fill a proposed battery. Your power bill will show how much power is being exported back to the grid.

Solar Battery Technologies

There are two types of solar battery technology, AC coupled and DC coupled.

AC coupled batteries are connected to the AC circuits in the home through the meter and fuse board. A major benefit of AC coupled batteries is they are the easiest to connect with an existing solar system as you do not have to change your existing inverter.

The most well known AC coupled battery is the the Tesla Powerwall. This lithium-ion battery is renowned for its high energy density, efficiency, and long lifespan. It can store up to 13.5 kWh of energy, providing reliable power backup during outages and enhancing your energy independence. The Powerwall 2 also integrates seamlessly with solar systems, offering real-time energy monitoring and a sleek, compact design suitable for residential use.

DC Coupled batteries are connected into the DC solar system circuit. This means the battery takes in the DC power directly from the solar system inverter. DC coupled batteries include the Sungrow SBR series modular battery and the SolaX Triple Power.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for the optimal performance of your solar battery system. Here are some tips to ensure your system runs smoothly:

  1. Professional Installation: Always opt for professional installation to ensure that your solar battery system is set up correctly and safely. Professional installers can also provide valuable advice on the best system configuration for your needs.
  2. Regular Maintenance: While solar batteries require less maintenance than other energy storage systems, it’s still important to perform regular checks. Ensuring that the connections are secure and the battery is clean will help maintain its efficiency and lifespan.
  3. Monitoring and Software: Modern solar batteries come with monitoring software that allows you to track their performance in real-time. This feature can help you optimise energy usage and identify any issues early on.

Maximising Your Investment

Investing in a solar battery system can be a significant financial commitment, but it pays off in the long run. To maximise your investment, managing your energy usage efficiently is crucial. Using high-energy appliances during the day when your solar panels are generating power and relying on stored energy in the evening can ensure your solar battery provides maximum benefits. Additionally, government support through incentives or rebates can substantially lower the initial costs, making your investment more affordable and enhancing your overall returns. As technology advances, consider upgrading your system to take advantage of newer, more efficient solar batteries. Regularly updating your system allows you to continue benefiting from the latest innovations in solar energy.


This guide to solar batteries shows how they are a game-changer for anyone looking to maximise the benefits of their solar panel system. They offer energy security, cost savings, and a reduced environmental impact. Selecting the right solar battery and ensuring it is installed and maintained correctly will provide you with a dependable and eco-friendly energy solution for many years.

Ready to take the next step in your solar journey? Visit our product page to explore our range of solar batteries and other solar solutions. For more detailed solar batteries information, check out our previous blog posts on the benefits of solar batteries.

Don’t wait—contact the friendly team at SolarBright today to find out how you can start saving with our comprehensive solar solutions. Let’s make a brighter, greener future together!